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Generate an Api Key

Add an Authorization header to your request

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR API KEY>

Curl example

Check here for endpoint address.

curl -X GET --location '<ENDPOINT>/api/v1/users' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API KEY>' 

List files

You need to get the file id to initiate a download

Method: Get

Path: /api/v1/files


    "files_list": [
            "created_at": "2023-11-25T13:25:00+0000",
            "entitlement": "rw",
            "file_description": "Description",
            "file_id": "53c9c295-83f4-4754-a781-cd03841c806f",
            "file_name": "number_3_digits.csv",
            "user_name": "demo:account"
            "created_at": "2023-11-25T13:38:26+0000",
            "entitlement": "rw",
            "file_description": "Description",
            "file_id": "be49ab3f-11c9-418a-aa24-a5c379bc8d5f",
            "file_name": "percentage_metric.csv",
            "user_name": "demo:account"

curl example

Check here for endpoint address.

curl --location '<ENDPOINT>/api/v1/files' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API KEY>'


Method: Get

Path: /api/v1/file/download/{file_id}

curl example

Check here for endpoint address.

curl --location '<ENDPOINT>/api/v1/file/download/<FILE ID>' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API KEY>'

Define File

Defines and uploads a new file

Method: Post

Path: /api/v1/file/new

Payload form fields:

  • file
  • file_description (Optional)
  • file_size_limit: Assign a size limit for the file. This will prevent customers from exceeding the account quota. Size limit is expressed in Bites (1,000,000 Bytes == 1 Megabyte )
  • enforce_schema:

Returns: Background Task ID json { "task_id": "1dd1ce46-62cc-486e-9f47-1f96c1895b25" }

Review this page to follow a background task

curl Example

Check here for endpoint address.

bash curl --location '<ENDPOINT>/api/v1/files' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API KEY>' \ --form 'file_description="Multi Line Description"' \ --form 'file_size_limit=100000' \ --form 'file=@"<localpath>/<file name>"'