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Managing your tenant

An AmetricX tenant owner is responsible for several tasks to maintaing usability of the environment.

User Management

After an AmetricX tenant is create, you have a single administration acount defined. Your first tasks is to invite other administrators and your data consumers to the platform. Although we call end users consumers, they can also write metrics data, if you grant it.

Create User

Grant Metric Permissions

Monitor tenant limits

Each tenant is limited to a number of user and metrics. This is based on your subscription level. In the administration page, you can see your Account profile with the limits and current values.

Account Profile

Data management

Exceding metric count limits will limit your tenant use. You can clean up old data or delete metrics from the Administration page.

Metrics Data Management

Watch data uploads

Data uploads run in the background. After a user uploads a file, a task id is generated. To monitor the status of the upload, visit the Background Tasks in the Account Administration page.

Background Tasks